Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Change in Scope

We are considering changing the scope of our blog from manufacturing and supply chain solutions to something more personal - say travel and photography. We really prefer that web traffic on manufacturing and supply chain go through our overall web site . What do you think? We will make this change during October until we here otherwise. Many thanks friends...

Rob Baldwin
Synchronous LLC

Friday, October 2, 2009

Most organizations focus on execution, with less attention and emphasis on planning. These companies will benefit greatly from improved tools in the planning area. Other companies like to plan, but just don't seem to be able to "make it happen." This is a much more difficult challenge.

The days of inventing approaches and techniques in the field of planning and control are over. Most companies recognize this is not a realistic longer term plan. Today, a company can run its business using a single set of numbers that people believe and that are agreed on by all departments.

Please add your comments on production planning and how to address the very common belief that " wont work in my company..."

Monday, September 28, 2009

Synchronous Solutions Update, Refresh, and Restart

Welcome back! After a slight pause to give paid advice to clients vs very low cost advice on our blog, we will be back full time starting tomorrow. See you then. As always, for the most up- to-date information, place a reply to this posting.