Saturday, September 15, 2007

Communicating Performance Expectations

Implementing an operational excellence effort always includes communicating goals, objectives, and new standards for performance. Developing goals is great, but f they are in a drawer in the office they probably wont see much progress! Some suggestions for effectively communicating performance expectations include:

- Prominent graphical display of current plant key performance indicators, including trends and targets.
- Job profiles defined and reviewed quarterly. These profiles should include some flexibility to encourage teamwork and allow for skill cross training.
- Daily and shift plant performance reviews and immediate corrective action. This should focus on teamwork and planning - not reactive behaviour.
- Regular personal development and performance review process. This should occur quarterly and ideally be a positive experience - no surprises!
- Regular communications from the plant leadership team regarding company performance, expectations, and major developments. Be positive!

This is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Every plant has their own culture and history - a great performance improvement and communication plan needs to tap into that. Synchronous is unable to accept new clients or conduct on-site consultations. We are committed to maintaining a dialogue on operational excellence best practices and maintaining state of the art. Suggestions for topics can be directed to our web site at Many thanks to our clients who have allowed us to be part of their transformation efforts, we are honored to share in your successes.

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