Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Operational Excellence - the Trek Continues

I frequently describe Operational Excellence as a direction or trek, rather than any type of achievable short term accomplishment. When viewed in that way, it is easier to view different manufacturing sites at different locations on the road to Operational Excellence. Some sites may have basic efforts in place, whilst other sites may have more sophisticated efforts and programs.

With that perspective comes the recognition that different tools, methods, and metrics are frequently appropriate for different sites, and even for any individual site as they make progress down the path. Sometimes manufacturing plants can negatively perceive this as "the flavor of the month." An appropriate perspective of the path to operational excellence holds that it is entirely appropriate (as progress is made) to declare victory on certain programs and metrics, and move on to something more sophisticated.

Synchronous experts are well prepared to help you assess your current state of Operational Excellence, and to recommend the appropriate tools and metrics to help you improve your bottom line - quickly. We can also help set the stage for next steps and long term improvements. Give us a call, or send us an information request at

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