Thursday, August 23, 2007

Leadership - Management, or Both?

Which is more important, leadership or management? Organizations tend to focus more on leadership because management is easier to teach, and most companies need far more managers than leaders. We feel that both leadership and management are necessary to achieve operational excellence. In our engagements we ask our clients: "What can you do to lead your organization to operational excellence, and still manage day-to-day operations?"

Leaders challenge the status quo; trust the organization; innovate and develop; ask what and why; do the right things; watch the horizon; and set the example.

Managers accept the status quo; control; administer and maintain; ask when and how; do things right; watch the bottom line; and occasionally make public examples.

There are lots of models for leadership. We think it usually comes down to vision, reality, courage, and ethics. Leading your organization to operational excellence is hard work that almost always pays off. Synchronous experts are well positioned to help you develop and implement your programs. Send us an information request to or review our complete portfolio of services at our web site

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