Sunday, August 19, 2007

Manufacturing Planning

We write and speak a lot about manufacturing planning. It is very tough to do well, but done well it can make a manufacturing enterprise much more efficient, and provide significant benefits to the company's bottom line. We frequently pause to say "what does good manufacturing planning look like?" We think there are five key elements:

- Provide rapid and timely simulation capabilities so that the impact of new business initiatives, promotions, and changes in market conditions can be assessed.
- Identify and manage all constraints associated with production processes.
- Create plans that lead to optimized, synchronous schedules across bulk and packaged operations.
- Improve inventory turns by coordinating material receipts with planned production.
- Enhance customer service levels.

Benefits of good manufacturing planning are many. Service level improvements, inventory reductions, etc but can also impact related areas like allowing procurement to better collaborate with key suppliers by sharing production forecasts, or allowing sales to commit to new customers based on accurate forecasting of available capacity.

Synchronous experts are well positioned to help you implement or improve your manufacturing planning processes. Send us an information request to or review our complete service portfolio at out web site

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