Friday, August 3, 2007

Maintenance Effectiveness

The objective of maintenance is to ensure that any physical asset continues to fulfill its intended functions to the standard of performance desired by the user. Therefore, any assessment of maintenance effectiveness must include an assessment of how well the assets are continuing to fulfill their functions to the desired standard. This assessment must consider three issues:

- Continuity can be measured in several different ways
There are many ways in which we can measure how effectively an asset is fulfilling its functions including how often it fails, how long it lasts, how long it is out of service when it fails, how likely is it to fail in the next time period, and efficiency.

- Users have different expectations of different functions
We need a thorough understanding of all possible failure modes to be able to design, operate, and maintain an asset effectively. We also feel it is unreasonable to hold the maintainer of an asset alone accountable for achievement of its continuity targets. Continuity frequently is a function of how the asset is designed, built, maintained, and operated.

- Individual assets can have more than one, and often several functions
A unique set of continuity expectations is associated with each function. If an asset has ten functions, then the effectiveness with which the asset being maintained can be measured in (at least) ten different ways. Before it is possible to develop a comprehensive maintenance effectiveness reporting system, we need to know all of these functions, and establish what the user thinks is acceptable in each case.

Maintenance is a critical function to plant performance, and can be a tremendous source of competitive advantage. Synchronous experts are uniquely positioned to help you integrate your maintenance, reliability, and operational excellence strategies. Send us an information request to or check out our complete service portfolio at our web site

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