Saturday, July 7, 2007

Aligning Marketing & Manufacturing Strategies

"Being all things to all people is like being nothing to nobody." - Anonymous

All businesses should clearly understand their target markets, and within those markets their profile customers. This allows a better focus on strategic business strengths, and targets customers more effectively. With a perspective of target markets, a manufacturing company should focus design, new product development, marketing, sales, manufacturing capability, distribution channels, customer support, etc on the needs of the target markets. Even more important is making the profile customers in the target markets knowledgeable of, and successful in using the companies products.

A great way of ensuring alignment is to create a common sense of purpose throughout the organization. Even something simple like "Be the Preferred Supplier" to our customers helps focus the entire enterprise on the common goal.

Synchronous experts have the knowledge and experience to bring operational excellence to all elements of your manufacturing and supply chain organizations. Give us a call or send us an information request at

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