Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Manufacturing Plant Design - Capital Projects

Most manufacturing plants are capital intensive - some more than others depending on the manufacturing process involved. Manufacturing companies typically have multiple year capital spending programs, and numerous capital projects in progress at any point in time. A frequent question is what are the characteristics of the best project execution schemes.

There are many characteristics of great project execution, two of the most important are:

- Great companies do not view capital projects as only the line responsibility of the engineering department, they view projects as the principal means by which the corporation's capital asset base is created and maintained. They view technology and engineering as elements in the supply chain that result in competitive products, not as unintegrated functions.

- Great companies also recognize the importance of front-end loading for business, facility, and project planning integration. Front-end loading places emphasis on funding and completing initial engineering to ensure that the project design can meet all of the projects objectives before the full project financial commitment s made.

Synchronous experts can help your business achieve your supply chain and manufacturing excellence objectives. Give us a call, or send us an information request at Sales@SynchronousLLC.com

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